1. General
- Name: Hoàng Hùng Anh
- Age: 15
- Education: Grade 10
- Schools (now): FPT Bắc Ninh highschool
2. Descriptions
Hello! I'm Hoàng Hùng Anh, who are the Vietnamese highschool student with a hobby about techonology. I have learn about techonology and computer programming at the age of 11 at my secondary schools. From that, I have go the way long in my journey with techonology and programming. In that, I have achieved many computer programming and technology award for student in many Vietnam and International competitions. Also, I'm make and have many idea about thing I want to make with my own knowledge about technology & coding. For the future, I'll continue with this niche of mine and promote to be good professional at some or may be pretty niche in technology and computer science. Thank for reading!
3. Technical skills
- Python (Programming language)
- Python Flask (Web Framework)
- Python Django (Web Framework)
- HTML & CSS (Front-end Development)
- CSS Frameworks(Front-end Development)
- C/C++ (Programming language)
- PHP (Programming language)
4. Other skill
- Critical Thinking
- Logical Thinking
- Teamwork
- Leader
- Set up plan
5. Achievements
- Top 3 & Gold Award Coding Global Final Round (International STEM Olympiad 2024)
- Second Prize (STEM Competition By Bắc Ninh Department Of Education)
- Talented Award National Round (FPT Stempetiion 2024)
- Second Prize Area Round (FPT Stempetition 2024)
- Talented Award National Round (Coding Olympic 2023)
- Gold Award International Round (HKICO 2022)
- Gold Award National Final Round (HKICO 2022)
- Merit Award International Round (HKICO 2021)
- Silver Award National Final Round (HKICO 2021)
- Silver Award National Round (Coding Olympic 2020)
6. Projects
7. Contact